Make your staff stand out.



“Standard” business shots. Flexible and professional.

We have white, grey and black backgrounds on hand but other colours are available.


Corporate portraits

Something a little more creative that stands out from the crowd by telling a visual story.

Deep etched portraits.jpg

Deep etching

Provides maximum flexibility. Subjects are deep etched (cut out) from the backdrop, allowing you to insert any background. In addition you can create artificial group shots, accommodating staff turnover or customising proposals.


Single portraits through to high volume

One, two or 100+.

On site selection

Images are displayed on a laptop and we work with the subject to select their preferred shots while on site. As well as saving the administration headache of choosing and communicating selections afterwards, we can be sure that we’ve got “the shot” of each person.


Shoot to specifications

We can match lighting, backdrop and photography specifications set by interstate/international head offices to ensure consistency across all locations.


Specified output

We can deliver files formatted, sized and named to your specification so that they are ready for immediate use. Parameters might include:

  • Width, height and resolution to fit your website template, plus a high resolution version.

  • Colour / Black and white

  • Colour space eg. sRGB, CMYK

  • Named eg. Staff#_Surname_Firstname



